How To Resize PDF Pages for Happy Planner, Filofax & More!

An easy method to resize PDF pages without having to change advanced print settings!
Providing my clients with easy solutions to resize printables is an important part of my job. Most of my clients are looking for way to resize letter size pages to the Happy Planner printables size. There are different PDF platforms that people use and different comfort levels each individual has with navigating advanced print settings. Rather than going into the technical details, I will share a simple solution to resize printables for any custom sized planner.
Step 1
To resize your PDF printables, navigate over to the Docupub Website
Step 2
Select your settings.
Page Size: First, select the printable size you want. Preset sizes are available such as A5 and A4. Next to page size select if the document resized is Portrait or Landscape.
Select Custom Page Size to input a size not available in the drop-down menu. If you are using the custom page size setting click the drop down next to Units and select the unit of measure.
Scale: I usually select this option because this will scale the contents of the PDF to the new page size. Unchecking this box will cause the contents to be the same size as the original with the edges chopped off.
Constrain proportions when scaling: I usually uncheck this setting. If this option is left checked the PDF will proportionally rescale the length and width similar to the original. This will leave your document with extra margin space based on the new shape of the page.
Finally, Place the original content in: Center will leave the contents perfectly centered.
Below is an example of the resize setting I use for converting a letter size PDF document to a classic size Happy Planner PDF printable:
Step 3
Upload the document under Select the File to resize. Then click Upload and Resize!
Step 4
Download the PDF!
The document I resized in this case is called Price List. To access your printables, click on the name of the document. Voila! You have some new free happy planner printable inserts!
If you want to resize the document to a different printable size, then click on Try different resize settings. Clicking this link will take you back to the scale settings screen to select different settings without having to upload your document again.
Looking to resize other PDF printables? Click on resize another document!
Now that you know how to resize printables, are you ready for your first PDF resize challenge? Why not resize a free weekly planner or a free wedding planner as your first test!