Become a Paper del Sol Affiliate

Do you have a passion for printables? Join the Paper del Sol Affiliate Program!

Please note as of 2023 no affiliates our being accepted at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Who Can Become An Affiliate:
Anyone with a passion for printables, paper products, binders, crafts and DIY projects!
What is the program:
The Paper del Sol Affiliate Program gives you the opportunity to earn a commission by sharing your favorite printables from the Paper del Sol Etsy Shop! Simply share your unique coupon code on social media, blogs or your website. Every time your coupon code is used at checkout, you’ll earn money!
How much does the program pay?
For every sale using your unique code, you receive 10% commission (after fees)!
For every friend (referred through you) in the Affiliate Program that makes a sale, receive 5% bonus commission (after fees)!
All payouts are made via PayPal. Please make sure you have PayPal before signing up for the program.
How do I track my earnings?
Every month I will send you a report of your earnings which will include:
How many times your coupon code was used
How many items were sold
What items sold
Revenue generated from sale
Your commission after Etsy fees
Your commission from your friend bonus
Payouts are made every month on the 10th via Paypal.
**At this time there is no platform for live tracking and impression tracking**
The Review Process
After signing up, your application will be reviewed.
Upon approval a contract will be sent for you to Esign or print and sign!
Once part of the Affiliate Program, your account will be reviewed every 90 days. If no sales were made using your unique coupon code within a 90 day period, your affiliate account will be discontinued.
How Do I sign up?
Fill out the form below. Please provide details why you think you would make an awesome Paper del Sol affiliate.